paris half past half present

C’est en voyant plusieurs exemples de photomontages comme ici au Vietnam que j’ai voulu faire la même chose avec les quartiers de Paris que je connais bien. C’est intéressant de se plonger dans cette époque sans voitures, où seules les calèches parcouraient le pavé de la capitale. De l’Opéra au Moulin rouge en passant par Notre Dame, voici donc ma série de clichés réalisée durant ce mois de mars 2014 avec mon petit appareil photo (aidé pour quelques clichés de Google Street View). J’ai ensuite fondu les clichés avec photoshop dans des photos et des cartes postales très anciennes de Paris (fin 1800 début 1900).
Place du Palais Royal (Louvre).
La statue de la Place de la République.
Notre Dame de Paris (Depuis la place St Michel).
Place de République (depuis la rue du Temple).
Porte St Denis.
Quai des Grands-Augustins (Vers la place St Michel) Inondations de 1910.
Place de l’Opéra.
Place de la Bourse.
Rue du Faubourg du Temple.
Rue de Vintimille.
Moulin Rouge – Place Blanche.
Rue Lepic.
Gare du Nord.
Gare de l’Est.
Ancien cinéma Gaumont Palace.
(Aujourd’hui un immeuble années 80 et un Castorama très moche) vers la Place Clichy.
Rue Scribe.
Galeries Lafayette. (L’entrée du magasin était superbe).

12 places to Feast your eyes

1. Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Finally, a hidden gem in central Europe – Cesky Krumlov. It’s just a short 2 hour bus ride into southern Bohemia from Prague, and would have to be one of my favourite finds in Europe. If you can help it, try and visit during the summer for rafting down the vlatva river with various camping spots along the way. 


2. Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida

You’re probably thinking ‘uh…what?’, but let’s think about this for a moment – it’s better late than never, and if you ask me, growing up is overrated anyway. This is one of my MUST SEE destinations before I climb my way into the 30′s, and it should surely be on your list too.


3. The Rhino Charge, Nairobi, Kenya

An African safari is probably the highest ‘must do in my 20s’ on my list. I’ve still got a few years left yet so I’m sure I’ll get there one day – but if you ask me, the sooner the better!

rhino charge kenya 


4. Drake Passage, Antarctica

Probably not what you had in mind for a trip in your twenties, but if you ever got the chance, you would surely take it. Antarctica is probably the only place on this earth that you can guarantee won’t have a McDonalds by 2020. So go on, look into it.

drake passage

5. The Inca Trail, Peru

Another highly celebrated image on social media is the Inca Trail in Peru. For active travelers this is the perfect opening into altitude treks and is a great bucketlist destination to hit up in your 20′s.


6. Salt Flats, Bolivia

The picture just says it all…..

7. Bodø, Norway

Scandinavian countries are sometime viewed as a distant dream to 20-somethings visiting Europe. But if you’re looking for something slightly (as in a lot) more fulfilling than the usual booze cruise bus that darts its way from one central European country to the next, then check out the likes of Norway, Sweden, and even Denmark. These countries are culturally rich, and a complete different experience to anywhere else in Europe. Here we have a quaint seaside town in Norway named ‘Bodo’…


8. New York City, New York, USA

It’s an oldie but a goodie – New York, New York. You should definitely try and make it here in your 20s and soak up the underground bars and clubs, bustling streets above ground, and the peaceful oasis that is central park. It’s a concrete jungle, sure… but it’s where dreams are made of – right Jay Z?


9. Petra, Jordan

For a reason that is beyond me, Jordan remains one of the less celebrated destinations to visit for travelers seeking out-of-this-world experiences and unbeatable history/culture. The photo speaks for itself…

10. Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan

Here’s one you probably haven’t heard of and neither had I when writing this article, so you should probably do a quick copy+paste and check it out if you’re looking for something seriously off the beaten path…


11. Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, USA

If you think it’s beautiful in the heat of summer, then try visiting Yosemite in a thick layer of snow in winter – words just can’t describe.


12.Santorini, Greece

Here’s one of the most over-photographed little seaside towns the world has to offer. Regardless of how many times snaps like this have made it to instagram, this would still have to be one of the ‘must see’ travel destinations for 20-somethings.

You must see this Places in Africa

Must-See Places in Africa

There are many awesome places to visit in Africa. From the ancient temples, tombs and pyramids of Egypt to the breathtaking natural wonders and wildlife in Kenya, Uganda, Namibia and Botswana, there are plenty of interesting things to see and do for each type of traveler, from beach bum, safari enthusiast and mountain climber to archaeologist and history buff. When traveling, we often forget about this wonderful continent. It’s one of the major reasons why I’ve decided to compile the list of 10 must-see places in Africa. Let’s start our journey to discovering some of the most beautiful places to visit in the great Continent of Africa.

1. Okavango Delta, Botswana

Okavango Delta Botswana
One of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, the Okavango Delta is a large inland delta, which covers an area of over 17,000 km2. Although the Okavango Delta is considered to be the biggest inland delta in the world, it’s actually not. There are 2 larger similar geological features in Africa alone: the Inner Niger Delta, Mali and the Sudd on the Nile, South Sudan. Still, the Okavango Delta is a fantastic labyrinth of great inland lagoons, hidden water channels, and beautiful lakes.

2. Omo River, Ethiopia

 Omo River Ethiopia
Looking to experience a real cultural shock? Consider visiting Omo River, which is situated in Southwestern Ethiopia. With over 50 indigenous tribes living in the Omo River region, it’s an amazing destination for people interested in African culture. Many tribes remain true to their tribal customs and traditional beliefs and they live in primitive African tribal camps. The Omo River Valley offers incredibly attractive and beautiful landscape.

3. Fish River Canyon, Namibia

Fish River Canyon Namibia
Known as the world’s second largest river canyon (after the Grand Canyon in Arizona) and the largest in Africa, the magnificent Fish River Canyon is over 27 km wide, about 160 km long and in places about 550 metres deep. The Fish River Canyon is Namibia’s second most visited tourist attraction that has something to offer for everyone. It’s a perfect place for hiking as well as for spotting Kudu antelope, wild horses, zebra, and more than 60 incredible species of birds.

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4. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania
The Ngorongoro Crater is a unique UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest unspoiled, dry volcanic caldera in the world. It formed when a large volcano exploded and collapsed on itself 2 to 3 million years ago. The crater stretches 19 km across and is 600 meters deep. The Ngorongoro Crater forms the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and acts as a protective enclosure for more than 25,000 large animals, such as hippopotamus, black rhinoceros, zebra, wildebeest, gazelles, lions and eland.

5. The Pyramids, Egypt

The Pyramids Egypt
The most recognizable Egyptian icons, the Great Pyramids are among the best places to visit in Africa. There are more than 100 pyramids in Egypt which were built as tombs to preserve the mummified remains of Egypt’s dead pharaohs, and keep them undisturbed and safe in their afterlife. The tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, known as Pharaoh Cheops, is the greatest of these pyramids. The Great Sphinx, the half-human half-lion monument, is one of the world’s oldest and largest statues.

6. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mt Kilimanjaro Tanzania
The tallest free-standing mountain in the world and the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro is definitely a must-see place. It reaches 19,341 feet above sea level. You can get a fantastic view of the countryside, glaciers, and wildlife reserves from Uhuru peak, the highest point of the mountain. Consider visiting the region around the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, which is home to some of the best wildlife parks and reserves in Africa

7. Sossusvlei Namib Desert National Park, Namibia

Sossusvlei Namib Desert National Park Namibia
Located in the Namib Naukluft Park, the Sossusvlei Namib Desert National Park is a large salt and clay pan, guarded by huge red sand dunes, a popular symbol of Namibia. Big Daddy is the highest of the red sand dunes and it is over 300 meters high. One of the most exciting activities to try is to climb to the top of Big Daddy. During exceptional rainy seasons, the Sossusvlei fills with water and the turquoise lake is a fantastic sight to see in the middle of the desert.

8. Mountain Gorillas, Virunga Mountains

Mountain Gorillas Virunga Mountains
Stretching along the borders of Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo, the Virunga Mountains are a chain of beautiful volcanic mountains which are definitely worth a visit. These mountains boast spectacular beauty and are home to the highly endangered mountain gorillas, which tourists can see as they hike up the major peaks – Mounts Karisimbii, Nyiragira, and Nyirangongo. 

9. Valley of the Kings, Egypt

Valley of the Kings Egypt
The Valley of the Kings is located near Luxor, on the west bank of the Nile. This is a valley where for a period of about 500 years from the sixteenth to eleventh century BC, 63 tombs were built for the Pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom. It’s renowned as the burial site of Tutankhamun who was discovered there in 1922.

10. Plains Migration, Maasai Mara to the Serengeti

Plains Migration Maasai Mara to the Serengeti
The migration of more than 2 million wildebeest, antelope and zebra takes place each year within the plains of the Maasai Mara, Kenya and the Serengeti, Tanzania. Those who have witnessed this mass migration call it the most spectacular wildlife show on earth. The best time to see the migration at Maasai Mara is from July to September. This is the time when the animals gather to cross the Mara river into Kenya. You can purchase safari tours to witness this unusual, natural event first-hand.
There are many wonderful places to visit in Africa and I just mentioned a few in this article. What’s your favorite place to visit in Africa?

The 10 Habits of Highly Unflabby People

Your Eating Habits
1. Grease your pans with olive-oil cooking spray. This is twenty-nine calories less than a pat of butter. One time, no big deal. But if you cook ten times a week…
Calories saved per week: 290
2. Use small plates. Better, use blue ones. Small plates trick your brain into thinking you're eating more—and studies have shown that blue objects suppress appetite, which is why you don't see a lot of blue foods.
Calories saved per week: 500
3. Drink a glass of water before every meal. This initiates a complex metabolic reaction that dietitians call “filling up your stomach so you don't eat as much.” For real: Drinking water throughout the day means you ingest up to 9 percent less calories.
Calories saved per week: 1,358
4. Cook with spices instead of sauces. Sauces contain tons of calories (a tablespoon of mayo: 90); spices don't. Plus, hot spices and peppers help speed your metabolism and make you eat slower, due to your mouth being on fire.
Calories saved per week: 500

Your Drinking Habits
5. Don't even make eye contact with us until you cut out soda. One can of Dr Pepper is 150 calories. And for what? It doesn't even lower your inhibitions!
Calories saved per week: 1,350
6. Pour your coffee creamer down the drain. Black coffee has almost zero calories. Drop the syrups and creamers and even milk, which is made for calves that need to gain like a thousand pounds.
Calories saved from ten cups per week: 360
7. Treat your beer like it's scotch. The heavier the brew, the higher its calories. So when you're just chilling and want something beery, drink a single light one. Savor the hoppier stuff in small doses to celebrate special occasions, such as birthdays and successful parole hearings.
Calories saved per week: 288

Your Work Habits
8. Work standing up. Sitting all the time makes you fat, ruins your posture, and (spoiler alert!) murders you slowly. According to science, after sitting for an hour, your body slows production of fat-burning enzymes by as much as 90 percent. People who sit for at least half their day have shown a 54 percent greater chance of keeling over from a heart attack. Get a standing desk. Some HR departments will hook you up for free.
Calories saved per week: 828
9. Do your own chores. You'll save money, improve your home, and get exercise without all that pesky “working out.” Mowing the lawn burns 449 calories per hour. Raking leaves burns 351. Painting your house burns 368, somehow.
Calories burned altogether: 1,168

Your Walking Habits
10. The single best thing you can do for your body is easy enough for a toddler to learn. Walking helps avert diabetes and strokes and boosts your sex drive and brain function—and you're probably pretty good at it by now. Buy a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day. While you're at it, adopt a dog. In an actual study by the University of Missouri, people who walked their dogs twenty minutes a day dropped an average of fourteen pounds in a year. “The people who walked with another person did not receive the same benefits,” study author Rebecca Johnson tells us, “because the person could discourage them from walking.” See, when was the last time a dog talked you out of anything?
Calories burned per week: 3,500
Total Weekly Calories Avoided: 10,142

feel good in 5 minutes

Whether you've got a case of the Mondays or an argument with a friend has left you in a foul mood, When it comes to feeling better in a flash, everything from concentrating on your breathing to giving a stranger a compliment can help. Read on for eight quick, easy — and often surprising — ways to turn that frown upside down.

1. Make a gratitude list.
"The most effective way I know of to shake a bad mood is to brainstorm everything possible that you're grateful for and write it down," says Amy Wood, PsyD, author of "Life Your Way." She suggests starting with broad strokes, like being thankful the sun is shining or that you're breathing. "You'll find that once you get the ball rolling, more and more ideas will come to you. Studies actually show that it's impossible to feel gratitude and unhappiness simultaneously. That's why this strategy works so well, and so quickly!"

2. Practice mindfulness.
"If you're in a slump, you may also be stuck ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Both of these thoughts are nonproductive," says Simon Rego, PsyD, director of Psychology Training at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. Instead, he suggests practicing mindfulness, which involves being present in the moment without judgment. "Try taking five minutes and eating your meal in a mindful way, paying attention to how it looks, smells and tastes with each bite, before swallowing it. Or take a quick mindful walk, considering the sights, smells, sounds and temperature with each step." By focusing on the present, you're less likely to dwell on the outside circumstances that are making you unhappy.

3. Try toning.
This type of toning doesn't refer to weight training, but it is a great workout for your mood. According to Marvin Sams, MA, ND, founder of The Sams Center in Plano, Texas, extending the sounds of vowels is extremely beneficial for getting out of a funk. "Take a breath and then sound out a vowel, like 'aaaaaaaa' or 'eeeeee' [during the exhale]," he says (similar to the om chant that is often done at the beginning of a yoga class). "It will stimulate the inner ear, which supercharges the cerebellum, which then balances out the left and right hemispheres of the brain." So what does that have to do with feeling happy? According to Sams, a bad mood could be due to the right hemisphere of the brain, where negative thoughts are generally processed, being too active. When you energize the cerebellum it will balance out both sides of the brain, so the left side, which handles pleasurable experiences, is also activated.

4. Practice a random act of kindness.
According to Rego, doing nice things for other people will make you feel good about yourself. Try holding a door open for someone else, offering a compliment or smiling at a stranger. These acts of kindness lead to positive thinking about yourself, and usually garner a positive response, like "thank you," which can easily put a smile on your face, he says.

5. Pour yourself a small cup of coffee.
"People are obviously drinking way too much caffeine these days, but half a cup of coffee can really perk you up," says Sams. The secret, he says, is stopping at that half-cup to avoid a post-java crash, while still enjoying the feel-good properties of the beverage.

6. Have a laugh.
"Set up a YouTube channel with your favorite comedy sketches and comedians," suggests Cory Bank, PhD, founder of "Have it saved so that if you're in a bad mood you can take a three-minute break and infuse some humor into your day." Belly laughter will make your endorphins kick in within minutes. Plus, he notes, "you'll feel better when you take a short break from your day-to-day reality."

7. Eat an orange.
According to celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, foods packed with vitamin C, like citrus fruits, green peppers and broccoli, are proven to cheer you up. In fact, a study published in a 2010 edition of "Nutrition" found that vitamin C therapy can help improve the moods of patients who are hospitalized for long-term or critical care. Dr. Sams also stresses the importance of vitamin C (as well as other antioxidants, like vitamins A and E) when it comes to boosting your mood because it helps stabilize free radicals in the body, which are known to accelerate aging and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. When these highly reactive atoms are neutralized, it prevents them from also damaging brain cells, resulting in better health and improved mood.

8. Just breathe.
Sure, we do this all day long, but breathing in a certain way has the power to relax us as well as lift us out of a slump. Sams is an advocate of diaphragmatic breathing. "Take a five-count breath in, and a five-count breath out. The goal is to manage your breath, instead of having your breath manage you." When you breathe into your diaphragm (lower belly) as opposed to just your chest, which many of us do when we're feeling stressed, you will absorb a lot more oxygen into your system. "Our brains thrive on oxygen — it's very powerful in boosting your mood."

Nature Photos

These are the 21 most beautiful nature photos on Stumbleupon. Stumbleupon is big society where you can spend all your day and all you life with smile on your face. On that site you can find lots of things, like photos, animals, home stuff and many more, nature photos like these one below. These nature photos are really beautiful and very amazing and that is the proof just how much our Earth is beautiful place.                                                          
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